Contemporary & Tribal Art

The point of departure in sculpting is always the power of High Spirit. This is the power of love, permeating everything and everybody and giving life. Regular spiritual practice maintains the connection to this source of power. To be silent, to be empty as a blank page. So originates the receptivity for creative inspiration. Spiritual power flows through the heart, to the hands and allows the shape of the sculpture to be born.
The essence of sculpture is not about form but about substance. There is no preconceived plan or will. All happens in pure flow and joy. The sculptures carry specific energies, accompanying and supporting different stages of inner growth, all in harmony with nature. This skill was learned by living with different traditional tribes of the Indonesian Archipelago. These masters taught him their sacred way. For years he shared their daily lives and sacred ritual knowledge.
Today he uses the same skill of becoming one with different cultural and art traditions. He follows a similar journey with the creations of modern art. He absorbs the essence and from this communion, new forms are born.
Before Kanwa always worked in wood. Now he also uses metal fused with meteorites and painting. His sculptures vary from 1 mm to 11 meter in size.